Not So 20/20 Vision

Good morning you guys! It is 10:12 am and I am writing to you all from my porch in the midst of a pre-hurricane storm; this is my favorite weather, so I am at complete peace. With that being said, today’s topic is not one about fashion or confidence or anything that is exclusive to being a plus size woman-it is one that has come from a place of peace, reevaluation, frustration and the inevitable calm after the storm…

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me: 4Thirty-Two went viral, we performed and slayed at Charlotte’s first plus size fashion show: Rock the Curves.  I was chosen to walk for several designers in this show in addition to being able to make some great connections with models and designers for future endeavours; however, in the midst of all of this (plus work, bills, adulting, family, etc.), I began to realize that everything I thought I had figured out in my “life plan” had began to go hazy: my 20/20 vision had been blurred. Now granted, nothing in life is definite and it is often the times that we have things planned out to a “T” that they seem to go array, but still the feelings of doubt, anxiety and fear that comes with watching your plans take continuous detours, can be suffocating.

It is in these moments I find myself growing the most. The discomfort of being trapped forces you to push your  boundaries (different parts of your life) reevaluate, and figure out the best way to move forward (increase!) For me the discomfort is my job. I like what I do, but I don’t like the environment, the hours, the pay, or working for other people. The added discomfort is having a vision of starting my own business but not being able to see it come to fruition for one reason or another. This feeling of discomfort sparked a need to push my boundaries so I could “breathe”. I reevaluated all the aspects of my life, trying to decipher the common thread and pay attention to how all my circumstances could indeed come together to help elevate me. Well, meeting the designers and models at the show (that I auditioned for at random) can serve as essential parts to the development of my business since they are the niche’ I have been trying to find. The information I learn from my job can be used to fine tune my business, working for others (especially when they are not your favorite people) is teaching me to work diligently with different kinds of people and value what they bring to the table. Combined with other life lessons learned through adulting, I have been able to take the negative and make it positive.


Now, is it easy…. hell no. Yet, it is possible. For me, for you!

I say all this to say, even when you feel you 20/20 vision is blurred, all the pieces are already coming together. Just take a step back, connect the dots and watch how everything comes back into focus!

Peace. Ife Michelle.

P.S. Here are some photos from Charlotte’s own Rock The Curves Fashion Show!

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  1. ashleyboyd1ab · September 2, 2016

    God quickly reminds us that we don’t get to plan our lives he does it for us. But he did give us the opportunity to enjoy the life he’s planned for us as well as the ability to amaze ourselves by creating flowers out of the storms that he sends our way. I think being pleasantly surprised buy our own abilities is better than any plan we would be able to design.

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